'Rogue One': The One Prop Felicity Jones Very Much Wants to Keep

We’ve already seen the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story cast assess their action-figure likenesses — and, in the case of Riz Ahmed and Alan Tudyk, begin an actual toy fight with their merchandise. But for Felicity Jones, the star of the upcoming franchise prequel, there’s a more coveted object she’d like to keep from her time spent venturing through the galaxy far, far away, as she confesses to us in the clip above.

Related: ‘Rogue One’ Toys In Fan-Made Stop-Motion Shorts: Watch 3 Winners In ‘Star Wars’ Challenge

Jones reveals the Rogue One memento she truly covets is the pair of brown leather gloves that her character Jyn Erso wears throughout the film. As Jones says, that hand-wear was key to getting into character on the set; without them, she felt surprisingly “vulnerable.” However, even the headliner of a Star Wars film can’t just pilfer whatever props she wants. As she explains in the clip, she’s still waiting to hear if she gets to walk away with her most prized Erso possession.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story opens in theaters this Friday, Dec. 16.