Robin Wright Gets Road-Trippy in 'The Congress' Exclusive Clip

Oh, man. What is going on in The Congress?!

Robin Wright, who plays herself in Malkovich-ian fashion, ages before our very eyes in this clip from the upcoming sci-fi flick. Seen here first on Yahoo Movies, we get a glimpse of a gray-haired and wrinkled (yet fashionable as ever) Wright. And that’s just the start of it. (Read on to see how she goes Roger Rabbit on us.)

In the film, Wright plays a version of herself — an out-of-work actress who takes one last, albeit life-altering, job. She plays her real (approaching 50) age through most of it, as the story weaves her Princess Bride-past in with other, fictionalized aspects of her life. An actress who “slammed all the open doors” (as Harvey Keitel, who does not play himself in the movie, points out in the trailer), Wright is drawn back to work to help her sick son. But the project is new and peculiar, as the studio seeks to scan and digitize her — all of her — in order to own Robin Wright, the character.

Back to the clip: A guard hands her a glass ampule of a pinkish liquid, instructing her to inhale. After she sniffs the stuff, she pauses, gets emotional, then speeds off in her silver Porsche, leaving “Miramount” (a thinly-veiled wink to Paramount Pictures and Miramax). As an aged Wright drives off, we see her car is dusty — inferring some sort of dry and desolate future world. Then, in her review mirror, we see her change… into cartoon form! Is that what the pink drug made her see? And her surroundings morph into a trippy, Technicolor landscape.

You’ll have to watch The Congress when it comes out, in limited release, on Aug. 29 to figure out this strange, mad world for yourself.