Poster: Theo James Is the New 'Four'

We know which YA character can truly claim the “Four” moniker, don’t we?

You may (vaguely) recall “I Am Number Four,” the 2011 screen adaptation of the 2010 sci-fi novel by Pittacus Lore (aka James Frey & Jobie Hughes). The film followed the dangerous adventures of John Smith (Alex Pettyfer), the fourth of nine alien children that have escaped to Earth from the planet Lorien and are now being hunted down one by one by the invading Mogadorians.

The movie was… not so great. And it pretty much tanked in the U.S., scoring only $55 million at the box office against a $60 million budget.

Now, there’s a new numbered hero in town, one who’s looking to take his place as the Number One Four on the block. That would be Tobias Eaton (Theo James), instructor of the initiates and love interest to Tris Prior (Shailene Woodley), in "Divergent," based on the YA sci-fi novel by Veronica Roth.

Tobias is nicknamed “Four” because there are only four fears in his “fear landscape” (if that doesn’t make sense to you now, it will after you see the movie) — which is, of course, a slightly cooler reason to be called Four than because it’s your number on an alien’s kill list.

(That’s debatable, but you catch our drift.)

Either way, “Divergent” is set to destroy the box office “Hunger Games”-style this weekend, and that’s reason enough to acknowledge the new — and true — Four in town. See below.

"Divergent" opens everywhere Friday.

Watch our “Speed Date” with Theo James: