Neil deGrasse Tyson Fact-Checks 'Interstellar,' Finds Some Excellent Science


Neil DeGrasse Tyson in June

By Nellie Andreeva

Following his much talked about critical tweets on Gravity, astrophysicist/TV personality Neil deGrasse Tyson has emerged as a top authority on big-budget Hollywood movies set in space. While he insists he is not a critic and doesn’t do movie reviews, Tyson gave Christopher Nolan’s saga as thorough science examination as he did on Alfonso Cuaron’s Gravity with a slew of tweets Sunday. Whether or not the participation of Caltech physics professor Kip Thorne as consultant and executive producer played a part, Interstellar got high marks from Tyson in the scientific accuracy department. (Or he may have been more measured in his response following the backlash to his criticism of Gravity.) Here are some of his tweets:

In #Interstellar: Experience Einstein’s Relativity of Time as no other feature film has shown. — Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) November 10, 2014

In #Interstellar: Experience Einstein’s Curvature of Space as no other feature film has shown. — Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) November 10, 2014

In #Interstellar: They explore a planet near a Black Hole. Personally, I’d stay as far the hell away from BlackHoles as I can. — Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) November 10, 2014

Tyson repeated his praise for Interstellar on CBS This Morning though stopped short of fully embracing it as a work of science. “They go through a wormhole to another part of the galaxy so… it’s sci-fi, OK?” he said, laughing.

Related: 'Interstellar' Lifts Off With $82.9M Overseas Open: International B.O. Update

Photo credit: Cindy Ord/Getty Images for FOX