Melissa McCarthy Lip Syncs a Breezy Version of 'Color of the Wind' from ‘Pocahontas’ for Jimmy Fallon

When Melissa McCarthy announced on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon that she was planning to lip sync “Colors of the Wind,” the climactic ballad from Disney’s Pocahontas, it was clear she planned to throw everything she’s got into the performance. Turned out the show’s crew was equally ready to throw everything they had lying around the studio at her.

Starting at the 5:45 mark in the clip of the entire segment below (or, cut to the chase and watch the highlights in the Superfan edit above), you can see McCarthy mouth the words to the song while getting socked in the face with leaves, water, stuffed wildlife, plastic bags, and an obscene amount of glitter.

Given that she’s currently starring in a movie called The Boss, the easy move would have been to faux-sing a song by Bruce Springsteen. But McCarthy clearly grasped the obvious: taking glitter shots to the face while wearing protective goggles would be way funnier than “Dancing In the Dark.”