Mads Mikkelsen Reveals 'Rogue One' Character

After saying he couldn’t say anything about Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, cast member Mads Mikkelsen immediately followed that by saying something actually pretty major. In an interview on Sky News, the Danish actor revealed what character he plays.

“I can say absolutely nothing about it,” Mikkelsen started. “I can, but I might have to kill you and all your audience.” However, after some prompting he added, “I read the script and it’s very beautiful,” Mikkelsen said. “And Felicity’s playing this lovely, young strong woman. And I play her father. That was too much, I’m sorry.”

We don’t know too much about Jyn Erso’s father, but we can surmise a few things about him and Mikkelsen’s role in Rogue One from the film’s first trailer, specifically when Jyn is brought to Mon Mothma and it’s pointed out that she’s been on her own since she was 15.

Mikkelsen had previously said he was not playing a “bad guy.” Maybe he’s playing a bad father. Or, we’ll see him in happier times in a flashback. There are rumors as to what role his character plays in the larger scheme of things, a tantalizing one being that he is a scientist working on the the Death Star who has a change of heart. Mikkelsen knows exactly what’s going on. Unfortunately, he’s not going to spill every bean. When it was pointed out he could say whether Darth Vader is in Rogue One, Mikkelsen said, “I can, but I won’t.”

Star Wars Star Daisy Ridley Says Rogue One Character Jyn Erso Isn’t Rey’s Mother:

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