Mads Mikkelsen on Who Would Win a Fight Between His 'Doctor Strange' and 'Rogue One' Characters

Mads Mikkelsen is having a big 2016. The Danish actor, maybe best known for Casino Royale or, if you’re so inclined, Hannibal, has wound up in two gigantic movie franchises, Marvel and Star Wars. In the just-released Doctor Strange, Mikkelsen plays Kaecilius, a powerful sorcerer and leader of the Zealots. In the upcoming Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, he plays Galen Erso, a brilliant scientist abducted by the Empire to help build their Death Star.

Yahoo Movies sent our own Khail Anonymous to chat with the stars of Doctor Strange in advance of the movie’s release. While talking with Mikkelsen, he asked him who would win in a fight, Kaecilius or Galen?

“I think he’s very hard to beat, Kaecilius, in a sense that he has something real people don’t have — he has magic powers, he’s a sorcerer,” Mikkelsen answered. “I have a hard time seeing any gun or any knife giving him real trouble.”

What about friendship? We asked him if he’d want to get drinks with either Kaecilius or Galen. “I mean, if Kaecilius … maybe a couple years before we meet him,” Mikkelsen said, obviously wary of getting drinks with a bad guy. “Galen … I’m not sure he’s a drinking man. Yes, I would. I would have to have a word with him and tell him how to do [things] different.”

How Dan Harmon helped out on Doctor Strange:

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