Keanu Reeves' New 'Knock Knock' Trailer Will Scare You Out of Having Sex

As we know thanks to the recent Ashley Madison leak, millions of Americans are looking to cheat on their significant others. And if the risk of digital intrusion isn’t enough to scare them out of their fantasies of infidelity, maybe Eli Roth’s next film will do the trick.

Roth’s warning against temptation comes in the form of the erotic horror film Knock Knock, the second trailer for which you can watch above. The movie features Keanu Reeves as a happily married father of two, who succumbs to the sexual advances of two very persistent visitors (Lorenza Izzo and Ana de Armas) when they arrive at his front door one rainy night while his wife and kids are away. They present a scenario that seems ripped straight out of a porn flick — two attractive young women offering an evening of guiltless sex — that turns out to be too good to be true.

Knock Knock was inspired by the 1977 exploitation flick Death Game, which involved seemingly carefree hippies seducing a businessman, then taking him hostage in his own home.

Roth’s film, which debuted at Sundance, hits theaters and VOD on Oct. 9 — a month after his Amazonian horror The Green Inferno lands on the big screen.