Watch 'Star Wars' Get Really Awkward Without John Williams' Score

Just how essential is master composer John Williams’ score to the Star Wars movies? George Lucas apparently directed his actors to “Just imagine there’s a triumphant orchestration playing over this scene,” as evidenced by an amusing new video from The Auralnauts that strips the music out of the feel-good “Throne Room” finale scene from Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.

Things get awkward in a hurry, with deafening silence accompanying Luke, Han and Chewbacca’s stroll though a sea of soldiers as they arrive at the medal ceremony, aside from a cough here, psychotic Chewy growl there.  There’s also a whole lot of nodding, winking smiling, and, well, what can only be described as a Chewgasm.

And speaking of Chewgasms, the final dance number in Dirty Dancing was also relieved of its music this week, and the results are less awkward than just plain dirty: