'Harry Potter' Fan Edits Eight Movies Down to 90 Minutes in 'Wizardhood'

Say you want to revisit the wizarding world inhabited by Harry Potter and his Hogwarts classmates — be it their early years studying magic under the guidance of headmaster Albus Dumbledore, or their later experiences battling the forces of evil amassed by Lord Voldemort — but you just don’t have 17+ hours to sit through eight movies. What’s a Potterphile to do? One enterprising fan has an answer: Watch his streamlined 90-minute supercut of the entire franchise above, which does much to transform J.K. Rowling’s epic saga into something concise, fleet, and — unfortunately — small.

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As reported by EW.com and Indiewire, this homemade version assembled by Tim Stiefler is dubbed Wizardhood, and — per its title — is meant to echo Richard Linklater’s 12-years-in-the-making coming-of-age drama Boyhood. While that conceit is clever, the result is akin to a Cliff’s Notes version of the Harry Potter movies, useful for dabblers interested in getting a general idea about the serialized story’s basic structure and plot points. However, it’s of far less interest to anyone who actually loves Rowling’s sprawling story, which is invigorated less by its grand big-picture gestures than by all the quieter character- and world-building moments that, unsurprisingly, have been excised from Wizardhood.

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Nonetheless, movie fans short on time (or attention spans) and the curious Potter fan can fast-forward through Rowling’s fantastical tale as it played out on movie screens — not including the 1920s action depicted in her new hit prequel, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them — via Stiefler’s supercut. Everyone else can simply hang onto their well-worn Blu-ray and DVD copies of the eight feature-length films, settle in, and take the whole ride again and again.

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