Gears of War movie is on the way

Gears of War... coming to a big screen near you - Credit: Microsoft
Gears of War… coming to a big screen near you – Credit: Microsoft

A movie based on the ‘Gears of War’ series is in the pipeline.

The news was announced as part of the campaign for ‘Gears of War 4’, the latest instalment of the Microsoft game series.

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“As a way to support the franchise the next logical step was to make the movie,” game developer Rod Fergusson told Variety.

“We’d done comics and novels in the past but the opportunity to work with Universal to bring the movie to life was perfect.”

Producing the movie for Universal will be Scott Stuber and Dylan Clark, who have credits including ‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’ and Seth MacFarlane’s ‘Ted’ behind them.

It’s not yet known whether the movie would follow any of the previous storylines set out in the games, which follow Marcus Fenix, a soldier for the Coalition of Ordered Governments fighting the influx of an reptilian alien force known as the Locust Horde.

Fenix... the hunt will be on for someone to play soldier - Credit: Microsoft
Fenix… the hunt will be on for someone to play soldier – Credit: Microsoft

“I think you have to let the movies be the movies,” added Fergusson.

“They’re two different mediums, and two different audiences in some cases, and I think some video game movies in the past have failed because they tried to make a movie for gamers. If you have this great IP with a deep backstory and lots of lore that you can make interesting stories out of it’s great, but if you just go after the gaming audience then it isn’t going to be a successful movie.

“We’re finding that line where we can say it has enough lore and canon that it feels genuine to the game while at the same time going beyond that and asking ‘OK what makes a great movie?’”

The first incarnation pf the game emerged in 2006 on the Xbox 360. It’s gone on to become one of the best-selling game franchises for the console, with over 22 million sales and $1 billion made in revenue.

The fourth game in the series is due out on October 11.