Forget Indominus Rex: 'The Good Dinosaur' Trailer Features Harmonious Human-Dino Relations

What if the asteroid thought to have wiped all dinosaurs simply passed by Earth without any collateral damage? That’s the premise of Disney-Pixar’s upcoming animated film The Good Dinosaur.

As seen in the movie’s first full trailer (above), a cute green Apatosaurus named Arlo befriends a young human, depicting an alternate reality that amounts to the world’s most intriguing ‘What If’ question.

Most dinosaurs were herbivores, and the ones who ate meat wouldn’t have been interested in human flesh, according to leading experts. In other words, a deep friendship between dinos and dudes is actually plausible. (You could say it’s the antithesis of the human-munching monsters of the Jurassic Park movies.)

With virtually no dialogue, the trailer calls back the opening of WALL-E, while unfolding a series of often whimsical moments chronicling the developing friendship between Arlo and the young cave boy. They must team up to survive the dangers of the prehistoric world. Along the way they encounter stunning fireflies and a full moon under which they can practice their howling.

You can see how their friendship plays out when The Good Dinosaur enters theaters on Nov. 25.