Ewan McGregor's Not Sold on the New 'Star Wars' Lightsaber Either

Everyone’s got an opinion, but when it comes to matters of the Star Wars variety, Ewan McGregor’s hold a little more weight. At the Sundance Film Festival to promote his new film Last Days in the Desert, the man who played Obi-Wan Kenobi in Episodes I-III told Vanity Fair that he’s “a little dubious” about the much-ballyhooed new crossguard lightsaber.

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"It’s got a hilt now," McGregor said. "You don’t need a hilt. If you know how to handle a lightsaber, like we did, you don’t need a hilt. That’s just one thing that I think they might have got wrong."

McGregor, of course, participated in one of the greatest duels in the Star Wars saga, going up with his simple laser sword against Darth Maul’s double-bladed weapon, which was the first time the classic saber had been tweaked onscreen — and at the time was considered kick-ass and controversy-free.

While the Scot’s “back in my day” remarks were delivered with a wink, there is, as they say, some truth behind every joke. Though for as much flak as the weapon’s new design has taken, ast it still has its staunch supporters, like late-night host Stephen Colbert . McGregor’s lucky Colbert is currently off the air, or the former Jedi would probably get challenged to a lightsaber duel.