Emma Stone Calls Ryan Gosling 'Bloodthirsty and Vengeful'

Emma Stone is generating serious Oscar buzz for her turn in the upcoming romantic musical La La Land opposite Ryan Gosling. And in a recent video for Vogue, she revealed her deepest, darkest (tongue-in-cheek) thoughts about her illustrious co-star. Watch it above.

Related: ‘La La Land’ Wows Toronto — Is This the Most Raved-About Movie of the Year So Far?

Stone is featured in Vogue’s latest “73 Questions” feature — which, per its title, features the actress fielding a barrage of rapid-fire queries on a wide range of serious and not-so-serious topics. When asked about Gosling, she couldn’t help but reveal her true feelings about the future Blade Runner 2049 star, answering that she’d describe him as “bloodthirsty and vengeful.” While we’re pretty confident Stone is just kidding about that subject, she was more earnest about a host of other movie-related topics. To wit:

Who’s made her most starstruck? “Diane Keaton, Lorne Michaels, Tom Hanks — I cried in front of all three of them.”

The historical figure with whom she’d most like to have coffee? “Gilda Radner.”

The movies that made her want to become an actress? “The Jerk, Annie Hall, Hocus Pocus, Beetlejuice.”

The actor with whom she’d most like to share a love scene? “Marlon Brando in On the Waterfront.”

Her dream acting job? “Martha from Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Her favorite movie plot twist? ““I love the plot twist in Planes, Trains & Automobiles.”

And her favorite superhero? “Still Spider-Man.”

That’s just the tip of the iceberg in the over nine-minute Q&A session, which also touches upon the country she’d most like to visit, her uncanny Britney Spears’ impression, and her fondness for dressing up her dog in raincoats. You can watch Vogue’s video above, and see Stone opposite Gosling in La La Land beginning on Dec. 9.