Spoilerific: Watch the Awesome, Top-Secret Cameo in 'Dumb and Dumber To'

Warning: Stop reading immediately if you do not absolutely want to know which awesome movie star makes an incognito cameo in Dumb and Dumber To. (Though you could still watch the clip above without necessarily figuring it out.)

Jennifer Lawrence is NOT in Dumb and Dumber To. We’ll get that out of the way. It was long rumored and much reported that because the Hunger Games heroine was such a big fan of the 1994 original (still a fact), she would pop up in the sequel. But when we asked writer-director-brothers Peter and Bobby Farrelly if she was in fact in the movie (playing a younger version of Kathleen Turner, a character you do see in the film — but only from the back), they told us it was all a rumor… that they had started, since Lawrence was in the Atlanta area shooting Mockingjay at the same time they were there filming Dumber.

Don’t get too mad at these guys, though, because Dumb and Dumber To does contain one of the more inspired celebrity cameos in recent memory. And while star cameos in big movies are typically kept so tightly under wraps that they don’t surface online until some rebel rips it from the DVD and throws it up on YouTube, this cameo has been released for public consumption as a clip in the film’s electronic press kit.

That’s probably because the cameo-ing star isn’t immediately recognizable under his costume (in fact, this writer didn’t even know it who it was until after the film credits ran, and this writer is a guy who kneels at the altar of said actor).

Watch the clip above, which finds Lloyd (Jim Carrey) returning to the apartment he shared with Harry (Jeff Daniel) after 20 in an institution (pretending to be catatonic) and meeting the new roommate, who, unbeknownst to our supremely dumb heroes, is cooking meth in their kitchen.

(Last chance to look away if you don’t want this spoiled.)

Getting his Walter White on underneath that yellow suit and mask is none other than Bill Murray. In the guise of Harry’s meth chef roommate “Ice Pick,” Murray hums and briefly speaks, but even for Murray enthusiasts (like this guy), his identity is not entirely obvious. 

The identity of Harry’s roommate is not entirely obvious

The bit is a nice nod to Breaking Bad, and of course marks a reunion for the Farrelly brothers and their Kingpin star. And while it may not be The Greatest Cameo of All Time (since Murray already holds that title for Zombieland), it’s pretty high up there.

Dumb and Dumber To opens everywhere Friday.