Dave Franco Reveals the Best-Looking Franco Brother and Other 'Things We've Always Wondered'

Dave Franco’s had a great run of playing smarmy antagonists in movie like 21 Jump Street, Warm Bodies, and Neighbors — which is why he’s glad to “break out of the d-bag pigeonhole” (our words, not his) as a very likable dude in the new comedy, Unfinished Business, opposite Vince Vaughn and Tom Wilkinson. “For a while it was kind of liberating to play those roles, to play something completely outside of yourself, but after a while I completely exhausted it and there was nothing else I could bring to it,” Franco told Yahoo Movies in our latest episode of Things We’ve Always Wondered.

The amiable actor, younger brother of James Franco, answered a series of fan questions, including whether he was the “hotter Franco” (Dave claims the title would go to neither him nor James, but the oldest brother, Tom) and memories from growing up in Palo Alto, California (the one that came immediately to mind: that time Tom shot one of Dave’s friends in the face with a BB gun). Franco also discussed how they pulled off his “penis stunt” in Neighbors and the topic that won’t go away: that he once auditioned for the role of Edward Cullen in Twilight.

Unfinished Business opens Friday. Watch the trailer: