Daniel Radcliffe, Peter Jackson and Jack Black All Walked Around Comic-Con This Year in Disguise

Daniel Radcliffe has been making the most of his first Comic-Con experience. Not only was the actor serenaded with a ‘Happy Birthday’ song by 6,000-plus fans at the panel for his upcoming horror-comedy Horns, he also got into the spirit by walking around the San Diego Convention Center dressed in a Spider-Man costume (which you can see above in a photo via Hypable).

Of course, in Radcliffe’s case, the term “disguise” is more apropos. It’s becoming a regular occurrence for stars to “walk the floor” in cosplay gear, as it’d be a daunting task to brave a crowd made up of roughly 130,000 fervent pop-culture fanatics and actually be able to do anything beyond pose for pictures and sign autographs.

Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit director Peter Jackson unveiled his disguise this morning via a Facebook post and four photos (below): “I had a fun day at Comic Con walking among you all. Did anyone see the Evil Jester? Some of you did because you asked him to pose for pics! Cheers, Peter J.”

And Jack Black, here promoting his upcoming gig as author R.L. Stine in 2015’s Goosebumps, turned up at the Yahoo Movies studio in a crispy tailored suit — and a stormtrooper helmet. “I bought this yesterday, [and] it was pretty reasonably priced: $200,” Black told Yahoo Movie Show host Nar Williams. “And somehow word got out it’s Jack Black in there… I think people recognized my voice.”

Celebrity Comic-Con costumes in years past include Justin Timberlake as Ernie from Sesame Street, Doctor Who star Matt Smith as Bart Simpson, and Michael Cera in a gorilla mask.

Some stars go more meta: Hugh Jackman said last year he’ll occasionally walk the floor as his X-Men alter-ego Wolverine (Not one person stopped me,” he said. “One guy goes, ‘Eh, not bad.’ And another one said, ‘Whoa. Way too tall, buddy’”), and both Bryan Cranston and Andrew Garfield have made waves here for appearing at Comic-Con as their Breaking Bad and Spider-Man characters, respectively.

As Yahoo Movies reported yesterday, despite starring in eight Harry Potter movies, a fantasy franchise beloved by Comic-Con faithful, Radcliffe has never made it to San Diego Comic-Con to tout his work as The Boy Who Lived. “You don’t go to Comic-Con without going down to the floor and seeing it all,” Radcliffe told MTV yesterday. “He’s a great superhero and it covers my face. It was perfect, it was awesome. I had my picture taken with loads of people.”

So if you took a picture with Spider-Man at Comic-Con yesterday, check the film: That could’ve actually been Harry Potter.

Photos: Hypable, Facebook