Colin Trevorrow on 'Jurassic World' Sequel: Dinosaurs Everywhere!

By Graeme McMillan

The future of Jurassic World just might live up to its title, with director Colin Trevorrow hinting that the sequel to this summer’s dino-revival could spread far beyond the island setting of the original.

The second installment of the reborn franchise will not be “just a bunch of dinosaurs chasing people on an island,” Trevorrow told Wired. Instead, he suggested, audiences should think less about Jurassic World as a monster movie and more about the science behind it all.

“There are applications for this science that reach far beyond entertainment,” the director, who’ll co-write and produce the follow-up, teased. “When you look back at nuclear power and how that started, the first instinct was to weaponize it and later on we found it could be used for energy.”

More worryingly for the citizens of the Jurassicverse, Trevorrow suggested that it’s not just the Masrani Corporation that knows how to build a better dino. “This isn’t something necessarily that was in the book but is a seed that I wanted to plant in this movie, is that might be able to grow in more of these movies if they decide to make more of them, is: What if this went open source? It’s almost like InGen is Mac, but what if PC gets their hands on it? What if there are 15 different entities around the world who can make a dinosaur?”

Does this mean that Jurassic World 2 could feature competing dinosaur battles? Trevorrow isn’t saying. “I think that’s an interesting idea that even if we don’t explore fully in [Jurassic World], there is room for this universe to expand.” He quickly added, “I shouldn’t use the word universe, because people will think we’re making a Jurassic World universe — we’re not.”

Jurassic World 2 is scheduled for a 2018 release.

Related: What In the ‘Jurassic World’ Could a Dino Sequel Be About?

Watch a video on the high-flying death scene in ‘Jurassic World:’