'Bridget Jones's Baby' Trailer Gets Delivered

The trailer for Bridget Jones’s Baby, the third film about Renée Zellweger’s prat-falling British singleton, initially suggests that Ms. Jones is right where we left her 12 years ago: single, career-focused and prone to falling in mud puddles. (Watch the clip above)

But by the end of this sneak preview, it’s clear that, in a departure from Helen Fielding’s book series, she’s not only having a baby, she’s having a baby with a father who could be one of two men: Patrick Dempsey’s dashing newcomer or Colin Firth’s Mark Darcy.

Pros about the trailer: It’s great to see Zellweger in a high-profile, lead role again. The last sequence — in which Bridget brings both potential dads to the obstetrician, who is played by Emma Thompson, the ob-gyn in your greatest medical fantasies — is an amusing twist on the usual “expectant parents at the doctor’s office” scene.

Cons about the trailer: Everything looks super-rom-commy and exactly like the Bridget Jones movies we’ve seen before. Also, at one point Bridget seemingly tries to hit on Ed Sheeran, and I firmly contend there is no way our Bridget would do such a thing.

In any case: Watch, enjoy and acknowledge that this movie definitely could use a dose of Daniel Cleaver.