November: Your Movie Month in Review

There is one month left in the movie calendar year. Awards lists are coming out, even if the people voting on the awards openly admit they haven't seen everything. (Which is cheating.) And we're gonna have to do our own here in a fortnight or so. In other words: We're not gonna have any time to write posts this month. Too busy seeing movies. How do people have time to do anything else in December? Anyway, it's time to do our monthly look back -- check the bottom of this post for the archive -- at the films of the past month, the ones we saw, the ones we loved, the ones we missed. Welcome to the wonkishness.

Top Ten Highest Grossing Movies Released This November, As Of November 29

1. "Breaking Dawn, Part One," $226 million
2. "Immortals," $70 million
3. "Tower Heist," $66 million
4. "Jack and Jill," $58.1 million
5. "Happy Feet Two," $44.9 million
6. "The Muppets," $43.6 million
7. "A Very Harold and Kumar 3-D Christmas," $31.8 million
8. "J. Edgar," $29.6 million
9. "Arthur Christmas," $17.2 million
10. "Hugo," $16.6 million

November 2011 Movies We Saw

"The Artist"
"A Dangerous Method"
"The Descendants" (Grade: A-.)
"Immortals" (Grade: C+.)
"Into the Abyss" (Grade: A-.)
"J. Edgar"
"Melancholia" (Grade: B.)
"The Muppets" (Grade: B+.)
"The Son of No One" (Grade: D+.)
"Tower Heist" (Grade: C.)
"A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas" (Grade: C+.)

"Arthur Christmas" (Grade: C+.)
"The Artist"
"A Brighter Summer Day"
"Charlotte Rampling: The Look" (Grade: B.)
"A Dangerous Method"
"The Descendants"
"Happy Feet Two" (Grade: C+.)
"Hugo" (Grade: B.)
"Into the Abyss"
"Jack and Jill" (Grade: D+.)
"J. Edgar" (Grade: B.)
"Killing Bono" (Grade: C.)
"The Muppets"
"My Week With Marilyn"
"Rampart" (Grade: B-.)
"Tyrannosaur" (Grade: B.)
"A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas"

Best November 2011 Movie We Saw

Leitch: "Into the Abyss"
Grierson: "Into the Abyss"

Worst November 2011 Movie We Saw

Leitch: "The Son of No One"
Grierson: "Jack and Jill"

Movie We Missed But Plan On Getting To

Leitch: "My Week With Marilyn"
Grierson: "House of Pleasures"

What We Learned This Month

Leitch: Three weeks into this month, my wife gave birth to our first child, a son. The last 10 days have been a blur of doctors, diapers and delirium. I also have seen six movies in these 10 days. I'm not going to tell you which six, because these last 10 days have been so disorienting it's possible I hallucinated them all. (Does "Hugo" have aliens? How about "The Artist?" One of them did, right?)
Grierson: When is the backlash against "The Artist" going to start? It's a light, breezy, fun movie, but I have a tough time accepting it as a legitimate Oscar contender. Like director Michel Hazanavicius' "OSS 117" films, "The Artist" is one joke done over and over again. It's a great joke -- but it is just one joke.

We have such hope for December! See you then.

January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011