Afternoon Links: Jessica Chastain Sure Stared Off-Camera a Lot for ‘The Tree of Life’

"The Tree of Life" is coming to DVD next week, and Fox Searchlight is teasing us with some of the disc's extras. Like the above video, which shows Jessica Chastain explaining her audition process for the film. What it seems to involve is staring off into space and repeating things Terrence Malick said. [The Playlist]

New photos from "The Avengers" have been released. Our favorites are "Thor and Captain America look up" and "Joss Whedon talks to Scarlett Johansson on the Starship Enterprise." [SuperHeroHype via /film]

Did you know that "Scream 4" had a slightly different opening initially? More importantly, do you remember that "Scream 4" came out? We know, right? [/film]