Afternoon Links: Check Out These ‘Hugo’ Stills and Pretend Like You’ve Seen the Film

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We're mad we've missed a couple chances to see "Hugo" already, but fear not: It's coming out soon! In the meantime, feast your eyes on 51 stills from the Martin Scorsese 3D movie. From what we can tell from these photos, the movie concerns a young boy, a clock, Borat, books, and Scorsese pointing at things. [ via The Playlist]

One day soon, "The Muppets" will hit theaters and we'll stop seeing Kermit & Co. parodying things. But we're not there yet! Today comes takeoffs on the "Breaking Dawn" posters. We're totally TeamRowlf. [Den of Geek via Inside Movies]

Considering how fanatical "Star Wars" fans are, we're surprised we're just now hearing that George Lucas purchased some domain names for "Star Wars: Identities." Is that going to be a movie? A TV show? Whatever it is, we're sure we'll prefer the original "Star Wars: Identities" to the one Lucas redid five years later. [Fusible via IFC News]