Bill Maher Calls 'American Sniper' Subject Chris Kyle a 'Psychopath'

Bill Maher is joining the public figures who have raised issues about the hugely successful film American Sniper.

On Friday’s Real Talk With Bill Maher, the host criticized the Clint Eastwood-directed film’s portrayal of real-life sniper Chris Kyle, while praising 2008 war film The Hurt Locker.

"Hurt Locker made $17 million because it was a little ambiguous, and thoughtful," Maher said. "And this one was just, ‘American hero! He’s a psychopath patriot, and we love him.’ "

Note: The below video contains explicit language.

Maher read lines from Kyle’s book that praise war, including a quote referring to Iraqis as “savages.” Kyle, who died in 2013, is played by Bradley Cooper in the film.

"Eisenhower once said, ‘I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can,’ " Maher continued. "I just don’t see this guy in the same league as Eisenhower, I’m sorry. And if you’re a Christian — I know this is a Christian country — ‘I hate the damn savages’ … doesn’t seem like a very Christian thing to say."

The film, which grossed more than $107 million in its opening weekend, has proven to be a polarizing one. Seth Rogen tweeted that the film reminded him of propaganda, while Michael Moore said he was taught that snipers are “cowards.” Sarah Palin and Rupert Murdoch are among those who have slammed the film’s detractors. 

Watch the trailer for American Sniper below: