‘Batman v Superman’ Director Zack Snyder Talks R-Rated Extended Footage

The theatrical version of Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice — starring Ben Affleck as Batman and Henry Cavill as Superman — was rated PG-13 months ago. However, an extended DVD version will be rated R for sequences of violence, according to a bulletin released by the Motion Picture Association of America’s Classification and Rating Administration, its ratings board.

In the wake of Deadpool’s staggering success, it seems that R-rated superhero movies are no longer considered taboo. But Snyder told Yahoo Movies that he didn’t set out to make an R-rated version, per se.

“When you’re working on a movie of this epicness, there’s just material. The three-hour version of the movie is just the full-monty movie. Every storyline, every piece of it, that’s the extended, ultimate edition,” he said. “A lot of the scenes we had to edit for the MPAA to get the PG-13 is literally a few frames here and there. Sadly, it’s not the hard R that I certainly am capable of.”

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opens nationwide Friday, March 25.

Watch: Jesse Eisenberg talks about how he came up with his version of Lex Luthor.

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