'Avengers: Age of Ultron': Is This Our First Glimpse of Vision?

For all the tidbits served up (and dug up by fans) in that first trailer for next summer’s Avengers: Age of Ultron (below), there was one major character who even now remains a mystery: the Vision, the turncoat synthezoid played by Paul Bettany (who previously lent his voice to Tony Stark’s digital valet J.A.R.V.I.S.)

We may now have our first look at him. An Instagram photo that surfaced yesterday (from an account that has since been made private) shows what appears to be some rough art from Joss Whedon’s Avengers sequel, featuring a half-dozen our heroes, and a character who quite possibly could be Vision smack dab in the middle of them. Empire Online reported that the Instagram user, Israel06, spotted the image in a banner at an international Disney event — which, if true, certainly lends it some legitimacy.

It brings up some questions: Is this really from an official event, or just fan art? And have they changed up his color palette? He’s looking pretty patriotic in red-and-blue hues — radically different from the green-and-yellow look he sports in comics — despite Whedon’s admission that he’ll be batting for Team Ultron in the movie. Disney/Marvel had no comment. What do you think?