Anne Hathaway Shares Her Go-To Karaoke Songs and Other Musical Tastes

Anne Hathaway’s musical prowess is well established: The 32-year-old actress won an Academy Award for bellowing her way through Les Misérables; performed a comic song-and-dance takedown of Hugh Jackman at the 2011 Oscar; and has collaborated with Jimmy Fallon for a series of showtune-style rap hits. Now, she stars in the sweet and soulful indie Song One, playing an anthropology studentwho puts academics on hold when an accident sends her brother into a coma. While awaiting his recovery, she strikes up a relationship with the singer-songwriter (Johnny Flynn) her bro idolized.

We asked the actress — who, yes, sings a bit in Song One — about her personal musical preferences when we sat down with her recently in Los Angeles. As you can tell from the exclusive video above, Hathaway’s musical tastes — which include S.t Vincent and Jenny Lewis, the latter of who, wrote the music for Song One— are irrefutably hip… while also diverse (they also include Lauryn Hill and Britney Spears). Then there’s also the pressing musical matters of her karaoke preferences (Spears’ first album, “99 Red Balloons”) and the one song she can’t stand to get stuck in her head (it’s from the Grease soundtrack).

Song One opens in limited release Friday.