'Anchorman 2' Serves Up Trailer(s) … and Some Yummy Ron Burgundy Ice Cream

With less than two months until opening day, “Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues" had been suspiciously devoid of a first full trailer.

A few hilarious teasers whetted our palettes, sure, but where was the entrée?

Then this morning, this most glorious morning ever, Ron Burgundy fans get treated to not one but two hilarious theatrical trailers (both domestic and international) for the highly anticipated sequel. And speaking of treats: Ice cream wizards Ben & Jerry have also just unveiled a new flavor dedicated to Will Ferrell’s beloved newsman: “Scotchy Scotch Scotch,” a butterscotch-flavored concoction that takes its inspiration from the anchor’s libation of choice.

Are you in a glass case of emotion yet?

The domestic trailer opens up with a bang — or rather a crash — as Burgundy and his fellow Channel 4 cohorts (Paul Rudd’s Brian Fantana, David Koechner’s Champ Kind, and Steve Carell’s Brick Tamland) make their way to New York for a new gig with the just-launched 24-hour news station, GNN.

There’s an accident – bowling balls and scorpions are involved (“It’s a crazy story”) — and the wreckage is all captured in spellbinding slow motion.

Other highlights from our first full look at the comedy: The very alive-and-well Brick throws himself a funeral; intros to Burgundy’s new rivals (Megan Good and James Marsden); some not-so-well-timed sneezing; and a quick glance at what appears to be a choreographed dance scene.

The international trailer might even be better, though.

That’s if in-studio crack smoking and a first look at Brian Fantana’s World Famous Jimmy Cabinet are your idea of a good time, and if you’re an “Anchorman” fan, we’re sure they are. We discover there’s also a deep fryer in use on that doomed Winnebago.

And oh yeah, did we mention there’s a cameo from Harrison Ford?

Ben and Jerry's Scotchy Scotch Scotch
Ben and Jerry's Scotchy Scotch Scotch

As for the ice cream, which consists of butterscotch ice cream with ribbons of butterscotch swirl, it’s already available to go down into your belly at “participating scoop shops” around the country, and will hit more freezer shelves in the weeks to come.

While most of Ben & Jerry’s frozen tributes to pop culture icons have been television or music-inspired like Jimmy Fallon’s Late Night Snack and Cherry Garcia, the Burgundy brand is one of the few movie-based flavors we’ve seen over the years, following Neapolitan Dynamite and VerMonty Python, neither of which are still currently available.

"Scotchy, Scotch, Scotch is a delicious ice cream and I hope Ben and Jerry consider my other suggestions," said Ron Burgundy in a statement issued by Paramount. "Malt liquor marshmallow, well liquor bourbon peanut butter, and cheap white wine sherbet."

"Anchorman 2" hits theaters December 20.