12 Signs You're Watching a Wes Anderson Movie

There are few filmmakers whose work you could probably identify with just a moment’s peek. Wes Anderson is one of those filmmakers.

The director of “Bottle Rocket,” “Rushmore,” “The Royal Tenenbaums,” “The Life Aquatic,” “The Darjeeling Limited,” “The Fantastic Mr. Fox,” “Moonrise Kingdom,” and now, "The Grand Budapest Hotel," has a style all his own — aggressively quirky, whimsical, lo-fi, multi-character dramatic comedies in which oddball, oftentimes morose characters are entangled in conflicts they approach with decidedly hipster-esque methods. (#whitepeopleproblems #occasionallyfoxproblems)

And as it turns out, they also include a lot of yellow, in addition to plenty of other Anderson visual trademarks.

Here are 12 sure signs you’re watching a Wes Anderson movie:

1. Fancy Title Treatments

2. The Rostrum Camera Shot (aka "From Above")

3. Yellow!

4. The Slow-Mo Stroll

5. Headgear

6. The “Dollhouse” Shot

7. Melancholy Tunes

8. The Wide-Angle Shot

9. Bill Murray

10. The Direct Address

11. Lots of Facial Hair

12. Nature, Man

Watch the trailer for Wes Anderson’s “The Grand Budapest Hotel”