Wardrobe Purgatory: Where to Store Your Worn (But Not Dirty) Clothes

My messiest spot is most definitely the closet. Because laundry is the bane of my existence, I try to get as many wears as I can out of things like jeans and sweaters (a.k.a. the entirety of my fall/winter wardrobe) before they have to be washed and put back away with the clean clothes on the shelves.

The jeans and sweaters inevitably end up resting in piles on the furniture around the closet and bedroom. Unsightly, to be sure. So I’m looking at two big solutions in the near future: One, a major closet cure where I purge a lot of the things that never get worn. And two, a solution dedicated to the clothing purgatory part of my wardrobe. It’s not going away anytime soon.

Small Space Storage Solution: Look Above the Door!

How To: Install an Elfa (or Elfa-Style) Track Closet System

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No Closet, No Problem: 10 Fixes for Apartments with a Lack of Closets

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Lustworthy: Beautifully Organized Clothes Closets