Unexpected Ways Your Iron Can Improve Your Life

Ironing is boring. How can it be that this incredible machine that emits powerful heat (like the sun!), turns water into steam (like a geyser!), and has a bunch of cool settings (like Ironman!) only exists to make your clothes less wrinkly?

There must be more.

For all you thrifty, crafty, budget-conscious dreamers out there, we’ve pulled together a list of ways your iron could be pulling double duty.

Related on Yahoo Makers: Tips to Cut Time at the Ironing Board

Whether saving you time and money on your beauty routine, or creating running water, when used carefully and creatively, your iron need not solely be relegated to the laundry room.

For example, did you know it can make your manicure last longer?! (Seriously.)

With this surprising list, your iron can take its place among the great tools of your household: duct tape, scissors, and … pool noodles!

Take heed, iron owners, these tips are for grownups only. With great power comes great responsibility, so read up on your electric iron safety rules.

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