These Movie Posters Deserve An Oscar

We are deep in the heart of awards season territory and the inundation of show after show makes it nearly impossible to keep up with all of the accolades. You’ll have to endure a few more weeks with media coverage on awards shows taking center stage. To be sure, there are a string of stunning films that are deservedly gaining recognition and wide spread attention. Boyhood, Whiplash, Selma… take your pick from the Oscar nominated films and treat yourself to a movie night. The films themselves are thoroughly enjoyable, but the fanfare and self-aggrandizing can become a bit much after a while. A little sense of humor goes a long way in cutting through the ostentatious pageantry. Cue the parody movie posters for the films generating buzz this awards season. Ript Apparel’s second annual RIPTcademt Awards contest had people submit their reimagining of movie posters, and the result is an impressive collection of comic book renditions.

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