The 5 Keys to a More Organized and Efficient Refrigerator

The refrigerator is, arguably, the hands-down, most important and well-used appliance in your home - it houses what nourishes you and your family. That’s a great big important task, and it doesn’t get a lot of love for it.

Instead of just slinging food in there, left and right, why not go about it in a more organized fashion. It’s easier for you and it shows that hardworking fridge of yours, just a little bit more respect.

Here are five easy ways to organize your fridge, just a little bit better.

The “Just Your Snacks” Drawers

Whether you have roommates or kids, everyone is bound to have snacks of their own stashed in the fridge. The worst? When someone steals your snacks, without even realizing it. Create a drawer system in your fridge that’s clearly marked with everyone’s names. No more confusion. No more snack theft.

Another bonus? Vertical storage space in your fridge!



  • Small, 3-drawer, Plastic Drawer Set

  • Labels

  • Sharpie


1. Write the name of each household member on labels.

2. Label the drawers.

3. Fill the drawers with designated snacks.

The Priority Basket

You know how sometimes you head to the fridge to use a container or something you remember seeing a couple of days ago, only to find it’s expired? Frustrating. When you create a “Priority Basket” you’ll always know what to use first. Simply place the items that are nearing their expiration date in the basket, so you know to use them first.

Basket organizing, in general, is a great way to keep your refrigerator in controlled order. When you use dry-erase labels, it’s easy to change the labels as needed.


  • Several baskets, with one in a contrasting color

  • Dry-erase Labels

  • Dry-erase Marker



1. Label your basket with their intended contents, marking one basket with “Expires By:”

2. Add items to your basket and fill in the day of expiration.

“Opened On” Stickers

It’s easy to loose track of when you opened a container or jar that’s been sat in the fridge for a while. When you place a little sticker that lists the date you opened it on the item, you won’t be guessing anymore.


  • Dot stickers

  • Sharpie


1. Write the date you opened an item on a sticker and label that item with it.


A Lazy Susan Brings Everything to the Front

Isn’t it frustrating when you have to reach around and all the way to the back of the fridge to find a jar or container you’re looking for? Bring everything to the front with a Lazy Susan! Your peanut butter is just a spin away from front row seats.

Make even more use of your Lazy Susan by dividing it in half with Washi tape and labels. When you have roommates or multiple household members, you can quickly separate everyone’s items, for super easy access.


  • Lazy Susan

  • Washi tape

  • Labels

  • Sharpie


1. Divide the Lazy Susan in half with colorful Washi tape.


2. Create labels to separate items and stick them on both halves of the Lazy Susan.


3. Add your items and spin away!

Related on Yahoo Makers: The Definitive Guide to Organizing Your Fridge

Easy-Clean Shelves

Shelves can be a bit of a hassle to pull out of the refrigerator, and spills are bound to happen. We suggest lining your shelves with plastic mats that are easily removed and cleaned off. How about cutting a colorful plastic runner into custom shelf liners? Practical and pretty all in one.


  • Plastic table runner

  • Scissor


1. Roll out your runner and cut it to fit the size of your shelf.


2. Line the shelf with the plastic mat and restock your refrigerator.


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