Tyra Banks Spills Red Wine on Chrissy Teigen – to Demonstrate Simple Stain-Fighting Hack

Spilling red wine on your carpet or tablecloth is bad enough. But Tyra Banks splashing the shiraz all over a white dress worn by supermodel Chrissy Teigen produces a truly memorable super stain.

Fortunately, it was a splash with a purpose. Banks and Teigen were demonstrating a simple lifehack worthy of a super model. To get out the wine stain, she uses … more wine.


Banks and her “FAB Life” costars Leah Ashley and Yahoo Style Editor in Chief Joe Zee demonstrated their simple stain-fighting trick on Teigen.

First blot the stain with a cloth to absorb as much liquid as possible.

Second, soak the stained item in white wine and blot again with a clean cloth. Then throw it in the wash at the normal temperature and the stain should be lifted.

Be careful, though. Don’t use white wine to remove stains on silk, lace, satin, or “dry clean only” garments. And always check stains carefully before putting a garment in the dryer, since heat can set the stain permanently.

White wine isn’t your only option, of course. There are as many stain hacks as there are types of stains. You can make your own DIY stain remover that works on basically everything. Or use household items to beat those tough stains.

Carpet stains are especially tricky, since you can’t toss it in the washing machine. But there are still tricks to undoing the damage of the spill.

If you suffer Teigen’s fate, don’t panic. Just reach for the white wine!

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