Skip Plain Hardwood! These 4 Flooring Options Are Ruling 2015

Everything old is new again might be a tired cliché but there’s no greater truth when I tell you that vinyl and linoleum flooring are back with a vengeance.

Yes, you’ve read that correctly.

There are amazing things we are seeing in the world of design. Whether you need a DIY approach such as stenciling your concrete or plywood floor, or an intricate laser cut linoleum refashioned in your kitchen, there is no shortage of ideas to brighten, lighten and refresh your flooring.

This doesn’t mean you’re wrong to go with traditional stained hardwood, fancy porcelain tiles, or classic stonework. Some things are timeless for a reason, and you can find other ways to make your renovation feel fresh.

But before you pick a new look for your tired old floor, check out these options.

The hottest trends happening underfoot are both decorative and colorful, and match every budget.

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