Shelter Cat Looks Like ‘Force Awakens’ Star Adam Driver, Gets Adopted as a Result

It all started with a tweet. Writer Marci Robin of XoVain noticed a New Jersey shelter cat’s resemblance to Star Wars: The Force Awakens actor Adam Driver, posting a picture of “Corey” from the Monmouth County SPCA.

It blew up, with the photo of Corey being compared to Driver and his Star Wars character Kylo Ren across Twitter, Facebook, and tons of media sources (the original post was retweeted almost 1,200 times).

Now “Corey” has fulfilled his destiny.

Brooklyn writer Emily McCombs (a friend of Robin’s) noticed the tweet, fell in love with the cat, and set out on a madcap race to adopt him — which she wrote about — involving an early morning drive from Brooklyn to New Jersey begged from a friend, a standoff with another would-be owner, and, finally, victory.

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His name, now that he’s been relocated to his new home in Brooklyn, has been changed to Kylo Ren.

Says McCombs in her Elite Daily article detailing the experience of bringing home the Internet-famous kitty, “My boyfriend and I tossed around ‘Catam Driver,’ but we didn’t want him to be permanently linked to Mr. Driver’s fortunes. We considered other puns, à la Katlo Ren. But in the end, Kylo Ren just felt right. And so that is his name. He seems to like it.”

Kylo Ren now has his own Instagram account under Catam_Driver, in case you can’t get enough of the famous cat. And the takeaway from this story? Pet doppelgängers could be anywhere. Even at a shelter near you.

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