Transform Copper Plumbing Pipes Into an Elegant Chandelier

Just Plumb-ing Brilliant

Copper plumbing pipes become an elegant chandelier with just a hammer and some candles. Surprising, stunning, and simple. 


  • Copper pipes

  • Copper T joints, elbows, and caps

  • Taper candles

  • Copper wire

  • Museum wax


  • Hammer

  • Masking tape

materials copper pipes candles saw hammer
materials copper pipes candles saw hammer


  1. Take your copper pieces and joints and lay them out in the shape you want your design. Take your time and make sure it's the same on each side.

  2. Starting from the center, begin fitting the pieces together. Gently tap with your hammer to make sure the fit is complete. (It's kind of like building with Legos!)

    assembling copper pipes
    assembling copper pipes
  3. Put a dab of Museum Wax in the copper cups to hold the candles firmly.

  4. Pop the cups into the upright ends of copper pipes for as many candles as you would like.

    copper pipe candle holder
    copper pipe candle holder
  5. Hang with copper wire or copper chain to complete the look.



Most of the joints will be snug and need hammering to make them fit in, but sometimes you will have a loose one. When that happens, add a wrap of masking tape around the end of the pipe to take up the space before you fit the joint over it.

Enjoy dinner by candlelight!