Make Your Dollar Store Eggs Look Like a Million Bucks


Those plastic eggs you buy at the dollar store make decorating for Easter really affordable, but they’re not much to look at. Garish and plastic-y, they can end up being a bit more of an eyesore than a pretty addition to your home. The good news is, you can dress up your $0.99 Easter eggs with dried and paper flowers - turning them from cheap to chic in no time at all.

Here’s how…


  • Plastic Easter eggs (the bigger the better)

  • Assortment of dried and paper flowers

  • Gold spray paint


  • Hot glue gun


1. Spray gold paint in a patch on the middle of the egg and let it dry.


2. In the center of the gold patch on the egg, hot glue dried and paper flowers.


3. Begin in the center and let the flowers mushroom out.


Related story on Yahoo Makers: 6 Ways to Up Your Easter Egg Game

Plastic Easter eggs come in all sizes - we recommend picking up a few of the bigger ones to create an opulent display. Pair them with paper flowers, which you can pick up at a craft store for between $5 and $10 a box, or real dried flowers left over from a bouquet.

You don’t have to splurge to dress up Easter - a quick poke around the dollar store and a trip to pick up some finishing touches at the craft store and you’ll be decorating on a dime.

For more Easter content, check out Yahoo Makers’ Easter page!

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