Little Bits of Bling: 11 Glitter Crafts Without the Mess

girl with glitter in her mouth
girl with glitter in her mouth

[Image via Tyler Shields]

Admit it…if you could, you’d add glitter to every aspect of your life—your decor, your fashion choices, even your food. But, glitter is like a plague—once you open that delicious little jar, you will never see the end of it.

Want to shower your world with sparkles without the clean-up? Here are some crafty, clever ways to add that bling without the messy sting.


Do you ever say to yourself, that blank is so pretty, I kinda want to eat it? Well, if you’re the type that salivates over glitter, you’re in luck. Glitter is now edible, as proven by these cake pops found on Style Unveiled. From candy apples to wedding cakes, you can now satisfy your hunger for bling.


Speaking of edible glitter, add a little sparkle to your toast with glitter-dusted champagne glasses. Dip the glasses in sugar water and then in a tray of glitter sugar for this festive look. Great for both weddings and New Year’s Eve parties.

Image via Her Campus


Parties always seem to call for some twinkle, and if you don’t want to go overboard, these sweet paper straw bows made from glittered scrapbook paper are a delicate touch.  If the disposable nature of the straw is too fleeting for you, attach the bows to a string and hang as a garland.

Image via Mom’s Best


No doubt, adding a little glitter to your holiday or birthday gift-wrap will draw some positive attention to your present. To avoid the glitter droppings upon unwrapping (simultaneously making enemies out of friends), try this glitter ribbon trick. A little bling mixed with butcher paper is the perfect yin-yang in the gift-wrap department.

Image via Besotted.


If you’ve given up on using glitter in your craft projects, here’s a great use for your extra stash. Make your own DIY glitter nail polish! So easy and so satisfying.

Image via The Beauty Department


Glitter tape is a genius invention. There is no trace of glitter left on your work surface after application, and it really pack a big punch, like in this simple birthday cup upgrade from Oh Goodie Designs.


Best way to avoid the dusting of glitter all over everything? Contain it, like in these vinyl tube bracelets by A Pumpkin and a Princess. Quick and easy to make, these make a great holiday gift for kids to make!


Maybe more than you, your kids love glitter, and they have less control over it than you do. For some cool, sensory glitter fun, try this little exercise. Mix glitter and food coloring with clear hair gel in a ziplock bag. Then seal it (well!) and let the kids “draw” shapes and letters in the squishiness. (It’s a little addictive.)

Image via Play at Home Mom


Instead of shelling out the money for expensive jewelry, this DIY, blingy accessory is a great way to wear the glitter without wearing it everywhere.  Best part? Buy the kit with all you need to make these gorgeous jewels from Darby Smart.

Image via I Spy DIY


In case you need a mantra to remind you of your love of glitter, this “She leaves a little sparkle wherever she goes” poster from Sarah Anne Campbell Design on Etsy is the one to beat!

If these projects don’t quite quench your thirst for loose glitter, there are some clever ways to clean up the mess without spreading the sparkle joy to places you don’t want it to go.

  1. Did you know that there is such a thing called a Glitter Clean-up Cloth? Or, a tack cloth would do the trick just fine.

  2. Apartment Therapy recommends picking up the spilled glitter with a ball of play doh. Bonus: get rid of two craft nuisances at one time!

  3. Of course Martha Stewart had to come to our rescue with a Glitter Clean-up Roller. (Perhaps a standard lint roller would do the trick, as well.)


And for those who want to fight the glitter haters of America, when you’re feeling a little blue, break open a pill and spread some glitter love wherever you go. (Obviously, these pills from Etsy are not for consumption!)