Upcycle That Coffee Pod Box Into a Cool Project for Kids

If you use a coffee maker that requires coffee pods, chances are they come in a box — a really cool shaped box. Don’t recycle your boxes just yet! They make the perfect foundation for an imaginary city.

Recently my son’s class at school was studying cities. They wanted to make a city of their own using cardboard boxes. Luckily, I had been saving all the long narrow boxes that package a certain brand of coffee pods. I knew they would be just the thing!

Small, rectangular cardboard boxes
Medium-sized piece of white foam core
Acrylic or watercolor paint in different colors
Black permanent marker

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1. Cut off any extra flaps on the boxes so that they will stand upright.

2. Paint two coats of gesso on all outer surfaces of the boxes. This makes the boxes stronger and also makes a nice white surface to paint on.

3. Paint the boxes bright colors with acrylic or watercolor paint.

4. Add rows of windows and some doors with a permanent marker or black paint.

5. Arrange your buildings on the foam core and attach them with glue. Kids can use a hot glue gun with parental supervision.

Now you can add roads, trees, people, or anything you like to make your coffee box city come alive! White foam core is the perfect blank canvas for young urban planners. Once the paint has dried on this new, beautiful city, it’s playtime!

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