Get Inspired by the World's 10 Most Expensive Homes

Quick, how much do you think the world’s most expensive home is worth? $100 million? $200 million? $500 million? Nope! Try $1.55 billion. And chances are, you’ve heard of its residents. That outrageously pricey place is actually Buckingham Palace, home to Queen Elizabeth and her royal crew. Next on the list is a $1 billion 400,000-square-foot mega-manse with 27 floors owned by a billionaire in Mumbai, India.

Check out details on those palatial pads and eight other residences that made the list of the world’s 10 most expensive homes below, put together by (where you can get more scoop on these outrageous estates). From helicopter pads to 39 bathrooms to private bowling alleys, you won’t believe how the other .0001 percent lives. So while we’re pretty sure won’t ever live in houses nearly as large or luxurious as these, it can’t hurt to look, right? And you never know where inspiration for your next home renovation project will come from …

Compare 10 Most Expensive Houses In The World: No. 1 Luxury Real Estate Is Worth Billions
Compare 10 Most Expensive Houses In The World: No. 1 Luxury Real Estate Is Worth Billions

Infographic made available by: by author David Adelman. Subscribe to CompareCamp’s FriendFeed here.