Etsy Bans Witchcraft, Spells, and Hexes

You can still find plenty of adorable broomsticks, caldrons, and pointy hats on Etsy. But for actual witchcraft, you’re going to have to shop elsewhere.

The quirky online craft marketplace said this week it’s now rigorously enforcing its ban on “metaphysical services.”

“Any metaphysical service that promises or suggests it will effect a physical change (e.g., weight loss) or other outcome (e.g., love, revenge) is not allowed, even if it delivers a tangible item,” Etsy’s policy reads. Adding a “no guarantees” or “for entertainment only” disclaimer isn’t enough to satisfy the policy gods at Etsy.

The site has started shutting down stores that don’t comply, which will affect dozens of online boutiques selling fertility spells and Wiccan wands, and protective runescripts.

“Swathes of us have now had our sales and shop views tank, and there is great distress in the metaphysical community,” one vendor told the Daily Dot.

It may seem frivolous to those outside the “metaphysical community,” but the issue has spawned a backlash from practitioners.

An online petition has generated 2,000 signatures since being posted earlier this week.

“This is discrimination against Pagan and Wiccan faiths,” the petition says. Etsy says it is simply clarifying its policy and will still allow Wiccan and other items to be sold, as long as they don’t promise any magical effect.

“To be clear, this is not a ban on all metaphysical items,” an Etsy spokesperson said on the company message board. “At Etsy, we believe in freedom of thought, expression, and religion. You may sell astrological charts, tarot readings, and other tangible objects, as long as you are not making a promise that object will effect a physical change or other outcome, such as weight loss, love, or revenge. Medical drug claims or claims of a medical cure are also not allowed."

In 2012, eBay banned the sale of spells and magic items, provoking a similar outcry.
Click the slideshow above to see some of the more interesting metaphysical items for sale on Etsy. If they promise love or revenge or health, though, they might be vanishing from the site soon.

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