Not Your Ordinary Flower Bouquet


Most of us have random gift boxes tucked away somewhere, just waiting for an opportunity to be put to use. How about filling one up with roses and surprising someone with a boxed-up bouquet?

Placing a piece of floral foam in the box creates a foundation to position your flowers, holding them in place and allowing you to bunch them tightly into a shape.

Tuck the flowers underneath the box lid and you’re ready to deliver an unexpected gift!



  • Scissors

  • Butter knife



1. Place the floral foam in your gift box, leaving about ½ inch space between the sides of the box and the foam. You can trim it to fit using a butter knife. Sprinkle it with a little water to moisten.

2. Arrange the straw moss in the box, pushing it into the space left between the foam and the inside wall of the box.


3. Cut your roses down, so you are left with two-inch stems.


4. Fill the box with roses in a heart shape by pressing the stems into the foam.


The end result is a stunning bouquet in a box.


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