Artist’s Photoshopped Human-Animal Hybrids Will Haunt Your Dreams (in Kind of a Good Way)

Flora Borsi is a fine-art photographer based in Hungary, and her photo series “Animeyed” is her latest foray into seamlessly — all right, spookily — blurring the boundary between reality and fantasy.

“I don’t like reality,” Borsi told Adobe’s Create. “I want to fake it! Photography is the perfect medium for me to express my feelings and create my visions.”

According to her website, Borsi’s work explores “questions of female representation and the relationship between body and self.” Through her work, she “visualizes dark fantasies and atmospheric dreams, utilizing the uncanny and clever metaphor.”

In her latest “uncanny” series of self-portraits, Borsi seamlessly replaces one of her eyes with that of a wild animal. Though these images are composites edited in Photoshop, the integration between animal and woman is so flawless that the viewer is forced to question what is real.

It’s no wonder that Borsi’s surreal work became the face of Adobe Photoshop in 2014.

That’s not the only recognition this self-taught artist has received. Borsi has exhibited extensively, with her work being featured at the Saatchi Gallery as well as the Louvre.

Borsi’s series of abstract portrait replicas and her Stockify series were written up by the BBC and the Guardian, respectively.

Until recently, Borsi had actually never taken a class in photography or Photoshop. Her art began as a simple afterschool hobby. “Usually when I went home, I had nothing to do, and I was just playing with Photoshop. But after years this activity became the most important thing,” Borsi told Create.

Ready to take her work to the next level, Borsi finally enrolled in the photography department of the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest, Hungary, where she is currently finishing up her degree.

“My favorite thing about photo manipulation is that I can create things that don’t exist … that physically are impossible. … I can fake the reality, create art without limit.”

Follow Borsi on Instagram to get your daily dose of limitless surreality.

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