6 DIY Labels For a More Organized Life

—Jennifer Noonan

As we acquire more and more stuff, it becomes harder and harder to keep track of it all. That’s where labeling becomes paramount. But before you settle on standard label-making solutions, consider taking a more creative DIY approach. Let your labels add an element of design to your space. Frame them, laminate them, and hang them out for all to see. There are a bevy of options at your disposal, from chalkboard paint and washi tape to clothespins. Whether you’re trying to keep the towels in the guest room straight, or marking a row of fresh seedlings in the garden, organization is a constant battle. Win the war with these creative ways to label and corral the clutter.

Photo: casualfridays-laura.blogspot.com

Washi Tape
Color code your file folders with washi tape for a real design flair. Washi tape is much like masking tape, but comes in a vast array of colors and patterns. It can be repositioned if necessary, and you can place clear labels from your label maker right on top of them.

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Photo: homedepot.com

Chalkboard Paint
Chalkboard labels are available for sale, but you can also apply chalkboard paint to pretty much any surface to create your own labeling system. Paint the lids of mason jars with it, and you have the flexibility for spices, craft supplies, office supplies, or whatever else you put in your jars.

Related: 10 Reasons to Go Crazy for Chalkboard Paint

Photo: iheartorganizing.blogspot.com

Framed Photos
Photos or pictures are ideal for labeling bins or baskets in a playroom. Everyone can help put things away, no matter their age. Unfinished photo frames can be stained and screwed into place from the back—perfect for bins that already have holes in them.

Related: 15 DIY Storage Ideas to Help Corral Your Kids’ Clutter

Photo: theambershow.net

Clothespins are the ultimate movable label. Easy to write on, they can personalize towels, freshly-pressed laundry, open bags in the pantry, and lots more. Color code them, write on them, or cover them in washi tape, and they will make creating and moving labels easier than ever.

Related: 10 Novel Uses for the Classic Clothespin

Photo: thehomesihavemade.com

Luggage Tags
Luggage tags are a smart looking way to label bins and baskets. The see-through portion allows you to display a picture or label, which can easily be swapped out should your needs change. You can purchase luggage tags for labeling, or make your own with little more than scrap fabric and interfacing.

Related: Organize Your Life with 12 Dollar-Store Buys

Photo: etsy.com

Branded Corks
There’s nothing worse than trying to figure out what’s growing in the garden after you’ve forgotten to mark the plants! Recycle wine corks into decorative markers to keep things under control. Label them with permanent marker, and then skewer them onto forks, wrapped with a little twine.

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