5 Easy DIY Steps to a Better Family Room

Some still call it the den, others call it the TV room or the family room. But whatever its name, many feel it is the most important room in the house.

It is where families come together to do a whole lot of bonding. It is where families come together to be productive — whether it be a child doing her homework, a father watching a game, a mother knitting or a grandmother doing a puzzle. It is where families also come together to simply do nothing. In order to really get the mood and the flow right, here are a few things that you should keep in mind.

1. Decorate with Patterns


Have fun playing with patterns. They don’t have to match - just complement. Photo: BHG

It’s much easier to achieve a comfortable vibe when you decorate with patterns.  Nobody will be too intimidated to get busy eating a bowl of ice cream on a flirty patterned chair. (Besides, drips won’t be as noticeable.) You can still achieve a chill feel using monotone hues, but it is more difficult.

2. Choose Furniture That’s Easy to Move


A coffee table on wheels makes rearranging your family room quick and easy. Photo: Dio Home Improvements

Nobody wants to play a game of charades if you have to wrestle with in-the-way furniture first.

The majority of pieces you pick should be flexible. Choose furniture that can be rearranged easily, so that each and every activity can be indulged in whenever the mood strikes.

3. Create Small Areas Within the Room


Create multiple spaces in one room, so people can bunch in different places and still be together. Photo: The Urban Farmhouse

Nobody wants to be far from the action, even if they need to finish the last chapter in a book.

You want to be together, but not that together. So when you are arranging your space be sure to create areas. For example, put two arm chairs together with a table between them for intimate conversations. A chair with an ottoman and floor lamp makes for easy reading. Set up a small game table with chairs for crafting, puzzles and homework.

4. Place Interactive Things Where They Are Easy to See and Reach


Keep baskets filled with magazines, games or toys within arms reach. Organized but accessible is the key. Photo: Style Me Pretty

Nobody can relax in a room where they can’t curl up and see, feel, touch and use the engaging things around them. You want it to be orderly but still welcoming.

Everything should have a place, but still loose enough to keep people feeling at ease.

Sprinkle baskets and nesting boxes out and about to hold items such as playing cards and dominoes. Stack books on tables rather than placing them all on bookcases. Toss throws and pillows in a casual manner rather than folding and arranging them in a tight and particular way.

5. Embrace The Fact That This Is the Family Sports Center


Consider your TV a piece of art instead of an eyesore. Photo: Deconome

Nobody wants to watch a television that is hard to see. Why try and fool anyone? TVs are not as big and bulky as they used to be so let it shine. Don’t try to hide it in a cabinet. Do not try to make it viewable from only one part of the room. Instead hang it proudly where it can be admired from all angles.

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