3 Scary-Easy Halloween Manicures to Take Your Costume to the Next Level

When it comes to Halloween, we’re all about making the effort from head to toe, and that includes your nails. What costume is complete without a matching manicure? It’s the icing on the cake, the gravy on the mashed potatoes and the cherry on the ice cream all in one.

So, whether you’re a vicious vampire, a terrifying zombie or a ghastly ghost, we’ve got the Halloween manicure that’ll set your costume apart from the rest.

Vampire Teeth Nails

Give your manicure real bite with this vampire fang DIY.



  • Press-on Nails

  • Nail File

  • White and red Nail Polish

  • Toothpick

  • Scotch Tape


1. Pick out press-on nails for your index and pinky finger and using a nail file, file them down into sharp points.


2. Roll a piece of scotch tape into a loop, place it on your table, and attach the two filed-down nails to hold them in place.

3. Paint the nails with the white nail polish and let them dry.


4. Dip a tooth pick into your red nail polish and etch little red lines from the point of each nail, to serve as blood.


5. Use the nail polish applicator to add a thicker dab of red nail polish to the tip of the nail.

6. While this dries, paint your remaining three nails with the white polish


7. Attach the index and pinky nails, and repeat for the other hand

Dead Fingers Nails

Painting your fingers black makes them look frost-bitten and dead, which is exactly what you don’t want on the other 364 days of the year.



  • Black Face Paint

  • Makeup Sponge

  • Q-tip

  • Black high gloss Nail Polish


1. Starting at the tip of each finger, dab some black face paint onto your fingers and use the makeup sponge to blend it out so it fades by your second knuckle (Avoid getting any paint on the pads of your fingers).


2. Using a damp q-tip, remove the paint from your nails


3. Paint your nails with a high gloss black nail polish


Related on Yahoo Makers: 5 Manicure Hacks from a Celeb Makeup Artist

Ghost Fingers

It’s Halloween, so we’re putting eyes on everything! It’s just so darn spooky!



  • Black Nail Polish

  • White Nail Polish

  • Pencil with eraser

  • Toothpick with flat end

  • Scotch Tape


1. Paint your nails black and let them dry.


2. Place a piece of scotch tape on your work surface, and dab a small puddle of white nail polish on it

3. Gently dip your pencil eraser into the nail polish, and use it to stamp two white circles on each nail. Let this dry.

4. Add a small puddle of black nail polish to your scotch tape

5. Dip the flat end of your toothpick into the black nail polish and use it to make a black dot in each white circle. Pro tip: play with the placement of the dot to give the eyes character. Allow this to dry


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