The Workout That May Help You Live Longer

The Workout That May Help You Live Longer If you're a cardio junkie, it may be tempting to skip the weight room. However, according to a study published in Preventive Medicine, strength training may be the secret to longevity. Researchers examined data from the National Health Interview Survey and linked it to death certificate data. The researchers examined 30,000 people aged 65 or older, and only 9% of them reported weekly strength training. This 9% group had a 46% less risk of early death, and were also 41% less likely to have a cardiac-related death. In an Appalachian State University study, people who did resistance exercise lowered their blood pressure by 20%. Research has also shown that lifting weights over time maintains bone mass and can even help build new bone. As an added bonus, weight lifting helps maintain good form and strengthen joints. The next time you hit the gym, don't stay glued to the treadmill. Try getting in on the benefits of strength training.