A Woman Who’s Never Had Sex Asks Dr. Drew: When Should I Tell Dates I’m a Virgin?

A Woman Who’s Never Had Sex Asks Dr. Drew: When Should I Tell Dates I’m a Virgin?

A Woman Who’s Never Had Sex Asks Dr. Drew: When Should I Tell Dates I’m a Virgin?

Got a sex question you’re too ashamed to ask? Don’t worry, these viewers asked Dr. Drew Pinsky for you!

When Should I Tell Dates That I’m a Virgin?

Sabrina is a 22-year-old virgin, and she’s not sure when to tell her dates. Dr. Drew says, “This isn’t something I think you jump out with on the first date. Whenever it comes to important material, you want to make sure that the person’s invested in you before you give them something that could push them away.”

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He explains, “The biggest reason guys get scared is because they know that’s a really big responsibility. They know that you’re going to remember the first one. And if this doesn’t work out, they’re going to feel bad.”

Bottom line: Dr. Drew says the third date is a good time to share this type of information.

How Can I Get My Wife to Talk Sexy?

Joe and Georgette have been together 29 years and Georgette describes herself as “prudish,” while Joe says he’d like “a little sexy talk.”

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Dr. Drew advises Georgette to tell Joe what she likes in the bedroom, and she gives it a try: “When you scratch my back I get all tingly.”

How Should I Handle Dating + Sex As a Widow?

Erica, a widow in her 50s who lost her husband three years ago, asks, “Dating is much different than what I was used to back in the day, many years ago. Guys ask for a lot of things on the first date that I just wouldn’t do. How do I stand my ground yet keep men interested in me?”

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Dr. Drew says that dating after your mid-thirties can be a little different. He says, “Maybe start thinking not like your 20-year-old self dating, which is the last time you were in the dating pool, but think more like: Look, we’re adults here, and if i’m going to do this with you, it’s not going to be a casual thing.”

Rach offers Erica, who is worried about STDs, one last piece of advice, “You bring your own condoms to the date.”