This Woman Just Ran a 5:25 Mile While 9 Months Pregnant

Photo credit: Westend61 - Getty Images
Photo credit: Westend61 - Getty Images

From Men's Health

A woman from California just ran a mile in 5 minutes 25 seconds, which is impressive enough on its own—but she did it while nine months pregnant. Makenna Myler was just one week away from her due date when she completed a sub-6 minute mile. A video of her achievement, captured by her husband Mike, has since gone viral on TikTok with more than 3 million views.

Photo credit: Men's Health
Photo credit: Men's Health

"I think pregnancy is a beautiful thing and it's not an injury or a sickness, that you're still really capable," Mike told Good Morning America. "I think a lot of women are showing that, that women are capable and that's what matters."

A longtime runner and member of the Valor Track Club in Orange County, Makenna had wanted to keep up her personal fitness throughout her pregnancy. But she's been certain to listen to her body and not push herself too hard over the last nine months.

"The first trimester I didn’t have that extra weight but I was exhausted and I was probably running slower than I am now," she said. "I've had to listen to my body and really let myself recover and get a workout in if I can, if my body is feeling it, but they're definitely few and far between... When people say, 'What are you going to run this time?' I say, 'Whatever my body wants.' If I don't want to do it, I'm not going to do it, because pregnancy and my health obviously comes first."

However, Makenna was still able to win a bet with Mike after he claimed she wouldn't be able to run a mile in under 8 minutes. They joke that he now owes her $100.

There are a number of health benefits to running while pregnant, including reducing the risk of gestational diabetes, alleviating constipation and fatigue, and promoting overall wellbeing. However, this experience can vary from person to person, and medical advice should always be sought before making any changes to your fitness regime.

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