Woman considers ending relationship over boyfriend’s ‘ludicrous’ business idea

A 25-year-old woman took to Reddit to seek relationship advice...after her boyfriend became obsessed with a “ludicrous” business idea.In a post written on the subreddit r/relationship_advice, user throwa_souptube explained...how her boyfriend won’t stop asking her to invest in his “soup tube” business idea.Though throwa_souptube has made it clear that she thinks her boyfriend’s business idea is nuts.she said that he continues to ask her for money.“I would like some advice as to how I can reason with him, or whether I should even continue this relationship,” she added.On Twitter, where throwa_souptube’s question was crossposted.people were dumbfounded by the unrealistic idea of “soup tubes”.Many people also pointed out that throwa_souptube’s boyfriend was acting like a child.“This is a brilliant idea, for a five-year-old,” one person commented